Wednesday, 4 May 2011

a were wolf

Don't worry, its dead. it wasn't originally, but then i decided it was for the best.
I drew 2 weekends ago when i went to Valladolid to visit my lovely friends there. One of them does art, and is incredibly good at drawing. She wanted to draw me doing something, so i decided it would be nice to draw too. though i cant do people terribly well - i dislike doing real things

seems like you cant see his right foot. oh well

MORE cigarettes

 and more regrettes.
i haven't updated for a while, but that is because i have been rather busy downloading things and updating my cultural knowledge of things. like the insides of bars. and spanish films
plus i've been updating my list of all the films i have seen

but here we are - more cigarettes that have been unsmoked for art... hope you enjoy them. Once i have smoked all my rolleys i will buy more of different brands and draw on them all!!!!!